Growing regions
Passionfruit are a tropical and sub-tropical fruit, so although they can be grown in many parts of Australia, the major growing regions are northern NSW, the Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay area and all the way up the tropical Queensland coast as far as Cooktown.
Western Australia has a small commercial industry up the west coast and in the Kununurra area and there are a small number of growers in the Northern Territory.
Fresh passionfruit produced by state (2016-17)
Sources: ABS; PAI
Reproduced from 2016/17 Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook
For the year ending June 2017:
• 5,004t was produced
• The value of production was $19.0m while the wholesale value of the fresh supply was $22.3m
• 19% of Australian households purchased fresh passionfruit, buying an average of 297g per shopping trip
• The consumption per capita was 194g, based on the volume supplied