Passionfruit Strategic Investment Advisory Panel (SIAP)

Strategic Investment Advisory Panel

Hort Innovation has appointed Strategic Investment Advisory Panels (SIAPs) to provide strategic investment advice in relation to the research and development activities funded by industry levies and contributions from the Australian Government. The SIAPs are guided by the strategic priorities set out in the passionfruit industry Strategic Investment Plan (SIP).

The passionfruit SIAP met for the first time in July 2016 to review the existing marketing initiatives, identify R&D investment priorities for the next five years and ensure all members of the SIAP understood the new innovation processes for highlighting project concepts.

The group has met on a small number of occasions since to agree on next priorities for the R&D program, to review some consumer research carried out earlier in 2017 and to understand how this has shaped the new marketing program.

The panel was refreshed in 2024, with the election of new members from a variety of roles within the passionfruit industry.

Hort Innovation have recently released the latest annual reports for all horticulture industries.  The report gives an update on all current projects and highlights how levy monies are being invested.

Who are the SIAP members currently?

Ross Brindley Brindley’s Farm QLD
Keith Paxton KW & JE Paxton QLD
Brad Millard Beenham Valley Passions QLD
Rod Griffith JE Tipper QLD
Heidi Nash Passionfruit Australia Inc. QLD

Industry Strategic Partner

Georgia Sheil

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