Growers at the helm: How industry shapes Hort Innovation investments

When it comes to driving growth in horticulture, who better to lead the way than the growers themselves? At Hort Innovation, we ensure that industry voices shape research, trade, and marketing investments, and it’s growers like Mark Scott from Nannup Fresh Fruit and Fiona Hall from Biteriot Cherries who are taking the lead.

Mark Scott, a member of the Summerfruit Strategic Investment Advisory Panel (SIAP), explained his motivation: “I joined the Summerfruit SIAP to ensure that grower input is at the heart of R&D projects.” He stressed the importance of balancing immediate needs with long-term profitability. “A profitable industry helps tackle issues like succession planning, sustainability, and young grower involvement.” Mark has already experienced the impact of cross-industry ideation sessions, helping to develop projects focused on increasing returns for growers.

Similarly, Fiona Hall, deeply involved in the cherry industry, saw joining the Cherry SIAP as an opportunity to influence key decisions and share best practices. “Watching the industry grow internationally is incredibly rewarding,” Fiona said. She is enthusiastic about tackling challenges ahead, including expanding export markets, promoting sustainable initiatives, and adopting new technologies. For Fiona, it’s all about ensuring the cherry industry remains profitable and ready for future generations.

Partnering with industries for targeted investments

Hort Innovation’s mission is simple: to ensure industry needs guide investments in research, development, trade, and marketing. To achieve this, it has partnered with each industry’s Peak Industry Body, developing an advice mechanism that allows growers to have a direct say in how their levy is invested, while also meeting essential governance requirements.

In 2022/23, this co-design process resulted in 24 industries deciding to refresh their current Strategic Investment Advisory Panels, while 13 others designed new mechanisms tailored to their unique needs. The recent Independent Review of Performance (IRP) praised these collaborative efforts, underscoring the importance of industry-led decision-making.

What are Strategic Investment Advisory Panels (SIAPs)?

Strategic Investment Advisory Panels comprise growers and other industry representatives who come together to discuss potential levy investments and advise Hort Innovation on where to make the most impact. Most of Hort Innovation’s industries have a SIAP, ensuring that investments align with the priorities of those directly involved in the sector.

Fresh approaches to industry input

Several industries have employed innovative tactics to enhance how Hort Innovation obtains advice, centring around the goal of ensuring that growers’ voices are heard. For instance, the citrus industry elected to support the role of a Citrus Investment Advice Coordinator within Citrus Australia. This coordinator engages with stakeholders to identify investment opportunities, consult on priorities, and work with Hort Innovation to bring investment recommendations to the Citrus SIAP.

Meanwhile, the berry industry chose to task Berries Australia with the responsibility of providing high-level project scoping and investment recommendations. The industry also engaged a Research and Development (R&D) Manager to collaborate with Hort Innovation R&D Managers and the Industry Service & Delivery Manager on identifying and developing R&D proposals. These strategies reflect a desire for more tailored solutions and direct grower input in the decision-making process.

Marketing insights and collaboration

Hort Innovation’s marketing team hosts a collaborative planning process for industries with levy-funded marketing programs. A dedicated marketing workshop is delivered with SIAPs to review data and evidence on the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, focusing on what consumers think, feel, and do. Together, they co-design an industry marketing plan for the next financial year. This approach was introduced in direct response to industry feedback, highlighting the need for greater grower involvement in developing marketing strategies.

Hort Innovation and growers: A dynamic partnership

By partnering with growers and industry bodies, Hort Innovation ensures investments align with the sector’s needs, driving profitability and sustainability. It’s not just about funding projects; it’s about building a thriving horticulture industry together. As Mark and Fiona exemplify, growers are at the heart of this journey, shaping strategies that will help the industry flourish locally and internationally.